Our Cause

Global warming through man-made carbon pollution is arguably the biggest problem that humanity has ever had to face. Proven technologies exist to reduce the impact we inflict on our environment and one of the most financially viable solutions is that of solar energy creation.

The world is moving towards a more sustainable future but some are being left behind due to a lack of resources and knowledge. Unfortunately it is often the people and companies that have the greatest impact on our environment that don’t have access to the measures to reduce their damaging footprints.

Given the colossal problem we face and the inabilities of those who add greatest to the problem, it is therefore our social responsibility to help the largest polluters become carbon neutral.
In Australia, although the growth of the solar industry has been substantial for domestic installations, there is yet to be prominent in-roads to be made into providing solar power to industry manufacturers. One of the main reasons for this is because these companies cannot afford to pay for a system that would entirely cover its energy needs. It is this difference in affordability that has caused a huge divide between the sustainability of homes and factories.
By making sustainable energy affordable for these companies operating out of factories will close this divide and ensure that no one gets left behind on the way to a more sustainable future.

Vivid Description:

We will bring sustainability to the world in a way that no one ever has before. We will make the biggest carbon polluters totally carbon neutral, therefore having the greatest impact on the fight against climate change. We will make sustainable solutions available and affordable to those who do not have the resources to utilize the benefits of such technologies. We will be ruthless in our innovative efforts by constantly finding better technologies, practices and solutions to important problems.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey guys,

    Have been reading the information here and think that it is a very worthy cause. I agree that we need to do that we can to reduce pollution, From what i have seen you seem to be weighted towards solar power as the main form with wind being a secondary form of alternative energy generation. One issue i do see is that you have made no provision (as far as i can tell) for what is termed "base load". Which is minimum amount of power needed to satisfy all the electronics on the grid. How do you plan to address the issue of when the sun doesn't shine (night) and the wind doesn't blow/ blows to hard? How can you assure the public that there won't be service interruptions under your vision
